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The article is a well-documented and profund analysis of studies carried
from out from the agenda-setting perspective, in terms of the relationship
between massive communication media and electoral compaigns (specially
presidencial ones) in the USA. In this sense, the work constitutes
a substancial contribution to the debate of political communication
related to subjects like influence, agenda-setting, the role of journalists,
the emergence of "new media" and the public's participation. The author
has been recognized (along with founders McCombs and Shaw) as one
of the pillars in this field of study.
Información mediática, usuarios
y acontecimiento político. (O de cómo los usuarios utilizan
la información en la construcción de los acontecimientos
This work represents the main findings of research conducted on the
interaction between the public and the media, about 1994 Guadalajara
electoral process. Starting from the tenets of empirical sociology
regarding the political communication process, the article analyzes
the electoral information carried by tre media from the public's perspective,
focusing mainly on exposition patterns and consumer habits, as well
as an assessment of the quality of the information aviable. The evidence
obteined not only question several generalized prejudices pertaining
to the media's role in political process, but also offers some elements
to attempt a description of the public's profile towards political
information. Finally, it is an approach proposal to the political
communication phenomenon in the present situation of transition to
democracy, a question posing an urgent challenge to communicational
Generación de capacidad tecnológica
en la industria informativa. El caso de Diario Panorama
Tecnology development in the dependent countries move away from the
traditional theories of the innovation and tecnological change toward
the underdevelopment problematic. The process of tecnological learning
does not produce the expected result in the cicle of innovation. An
intentional effort is needed at the tecnological capacity management
level so the knowledge that generates tecnological capacity in the
venezuelan informative industry is explored through the case analysis
of Journal Panorama fron Maracaibo, Venezuela, and some lineaments
that could be useful in the process of introduction of new tecnology
in the small and median informative firm are formulated.
Participación en las radios comunitarias
en Brasil
In this work the author examines concisely and in-depth the free-radio
phenomenon in Brazil. In addition to describing the circumstances
of its origin and development, the author exposes the legal and structural
problems they have encountered. In this sense, the social service
function and the democratic impulse these statations are known for
should be noted. The concluding remarks present a set of arguments
that stress their viable future.
La evolución profesional de los periodistas
Spain offers an interesting case study for the analysis of journalists
professional attitudes. It has evolved from authoritarism to democracy
in a way quite admired around the world. Have journalists proffesional
attitude evolved at the same pace of the evolution to democracy? Based
on survey data our paper attempts to answer this question, appart
from describing basic characteristics of Spanish journalists such
as education, age genre, party identification, associationism and
La agenda Televisiva infantil en Guadalajara
As the offering of visual spaces on television increases, the local
studies on agenda becomes extremely necessary. Following the same
field of research that have been consolidating in Mexico, this paper's
author presents an analysis about television scheduling for children
in the main tv networks, both private and public, within Guadalajara's
metropolitan area. In a city where almost one third of the population
are youngster, the comedy series and cartoons keep being the king
of programs that get the mayor broadcasting time on child tv agenda.
Hacia una pedagogía de la televidencia
By recognizing the specificity of television in its triple dimension
of medium, technology and institution, and the multiple interactions
taking place between television an its audiences, in this paper I
develop a pedagogical intervention perspective conceived as a participatory
research process which is focussed on the very process of television
viewing. This perspective is inspired in the work of Paulo Freire;
its main general premise is that the point of departure of any attempt
to transform television viewing is to make evident what is implicit
both in the television itself and in the audience's interaction whit
it. In this perspective is also assumed that a productive way to pedagogically
intervene in the television viewing process is by using analytical-ludic
strategies directed to facilitate viewers' their most integral and
live understanding of the various cognitive domains involved in their
interactions whit/and uses of television. This type of strategies
are thought to be specially suited to help viewers to effect changes
in order to become more selective, autonomous, and eventually, more
critical audiences.
La perspectiva de la recepción de
los medios masivos en la revista Comunicación y Sociedad. Una
primera exploración
This article attempt an approach to the present present state of studies
about receptions in communication by analyzing the articles published
by the Comunicación y Sociedad magazine on this issues. Construction
made by the different author are explored by focusing on their tratment
of assumed theoretical categories, the objects of research constructed
an their metodological proposals; that is, "what are they talking
about?", when they talk about "perception". Thus, after going through
each article, the underlying theoretical trends are exposed, as well
as the different subjets constructed from them. In such a field as
communication in which what is investigated and thought over is often
left aside (forgotten) by the whirling speed of the outlook, reflection
should be considered of vital importance.
_________________________________________________![]() Coordinación de Tecnologías Para el Aprendizaje |