Recensión de V.P. Litvinov/V.P. Nedjalkov 1988 (1983) Resultativkonstruktionen is Deutschen. Tübingen, Gunther Narr Verlag
José Luis Iturrioz Leza /25
Errata. To the book Typology of Resultative Constructions, TYPOLOGICAL STUDIES IN LANGUAGE 12, John Benjamins, 1988
Vladimir Nedjalkov /65
Resultative and Combined Meanings in Kolyma Yukaghir
Elena S. Maslova /77
Resultative in Abkhaz
Valentin F.Vydrin y Yakov G. Testelec /107
Los resultativos en huichol
Paula Gómez López /147
From resultative to perfect in Ancient Greek
Martin Haspelmath /185
Resultative in Basque
Martín Haase /225
Resultativity in Tagalog (with concluding remarks on RESULTATIVITY in general)
W. Drossard /257
About some features of the Itelmen verb system
A.P. Volodin /291
On the phonology of Bering Island Aleut
Alexander A. Asinovskily & Eugeniy V. Golovko /319